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Line Editing

Add impeccable style.

Your story is a work of art and should be beautiful.  This means artful and precise prose and imagery.

The line edit is where your writing is given an aesthetic boost, where any word choices or sentence set-ups or passages that might confuse or exhaust your readers are corrected.  The line edit is where Hub Edits makes sure readers love your writing.

It is essential that your story go through a line edit.  Your readers will thank you for the beautiful and energetic flow of your sentences, for making sure that nothing detracts from the story you're telling, and for the style and clarity that enhances your work.

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Develop Dramatic Force.

Your Line Edit starts with the following:

  • Killing cliché and finding unique, artful constructions in your writing

  • Paring down exposition by selecting the apt detail to engage your readers and achieve maximum concision

  • Delivering sentence and paragraph structure that supports dramatic tension and a captivating story

  • Correcting flat dialogue, improper subtext, and reader redundancies

Smooth prose paired with a well-structured story is how your story will stand out and be the one readers remember.


Line Editing

You will receive:

  • A markup of your manuscript with extensive notes ranging from line edits to in-depth story analysis

  • An Editorial Letter that lists all major line edits and provides a comprehensive discussion of each one

  • Email, telephone, and video conference support to discuss all editorial suggestions in detail and help you revise your story in an ongoing fashion

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