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Developmental Editing

Your story elevated.

Developmental editing perfects the most important element of your story - structure. 


For your work to achieve maximum effectiveness it must abide by certain fundamental principles of story structure, otherwise the reader is lost and doesn't connect with your work.


Implementing the right story structure, the right progression from beginning, middle, to end is what hooks your reader and gives you the best chance of leaving a lasting impression. 

Hub Edits DevEd

Develop Dramatic Force.

A Developmental Edit analyzes the following questions:

  • Does your global story demonstrate a clear plot and character arc? 

  • Does each scene move from one status quo to another; does this movement track with the evolution of your core conflict and controlling idea? 


  • Is your theme clear, and clearly proven at the end? 

  • How do you deploy the elements of fiction - character, conflict, plot, setting, dialogue, and so on?


  • Most importantly, do all levels of your story follow the core principles of structure (an inciting incident, progressive complications, turning point, crisis, climax, and conclusion)?

These questions and plenty more are the principles of structure.  Hub Edits will make sure your story gets them right.


Developmental Editing

You will receive:

  • A markup of your manuscript with extensive notes ranging from line edits to in-depth story analysis

  • An Editorial Letter that identifies the major developmental edits and provides a comprehensive discussion of each one

  • Email, telephone, and video conference support to discuss all editorial suggestions in detail and help you revise your story in an ongoing fashion

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